Largest Shareholders

On 17 February 2021 Lumi Gruppen AS was listed on the Euronext Growth index at the Oslo Stock Exchange. As part of the process, the Company raised NOK 200 million of new equity in a primary issue. As part of the listing, the Company also converted all shares into one ordinary class of shares.


Parent company (LUMI)

Share capital Number of shares NOK PAR VAlue Capitalised
Ordinary shares 58 034 676 0.42 24 374 564
Cost at 30 June 2024 58 034 676 24 374 564

20 largest shareholders

Shareholder — 31 December 2023 Type of account Ordinary shares Ownership %
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV Nominee 20 504 212 35.3
Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V. Nominee 10 305 035 17.8
Pareto Aksje Norge Verdipapirfond Ordinary 3 773 473 6.5
J.P. Morgan SE Nominee 3 046 609 5.2
Verdipapirfondet Holberg Norge Ordinary 2 733 333 4.7
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Nominee 2 189 896 3.8
Forsvarets Personellservice Ordinary 1 550 540 2.7
Melesio Invest AS Ordinary 1 420 709 2.4
Valorem AS Ordinary 1 217 000 2.1
CMDC AS Ordinary 980 000 1.7
Wenaas EFTF AS Ordinary 885 714 1.5
VJ Invest AS Ordinary 608 198 1.0
Ginko AS Ordinary 600 000 1.0
Dyvi Invest AS Ordinary 593 696 1.0
Cawa Invest AS Ordinary 520 000 0.9
Cortex AS Ordinary 440 000 0.8
Goldman Sachs International Nominee 843 685 0.7
Varner Equities AS Ordinary 366 216 0.6
Bit For Bit Huset AS Ordinary 325 895 0.6
Jacob Hatteland Holding AS Ordinary 290 780 0.5
Top 20 shareholder / nominee 52 743 027 90.9
Other 5 291 649 9.1

Lola Bidco AS controls the majority of the shares in Lumi Gruppen AS, with an ownership of 28 016 004 shares (50.7%) through the nominee accounts The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV and Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V.