Lumi Investor Relations
Lumi Gruppen is Norway’s leading private educational institution. We focus on each student and have a broad range of education programs both on-campus and online, from high school to vocational and university college.
News and Stock Notices
Nina Vesterby appointed as new CEO of Lumi Gruppen AS
Following Erik Brandt’s decision to step down from his position as CEO as of August 2024, Lumi Gruppen is delighted to announce that Nina Vesterby is appointed as the Company's new CEO. Lumi is deeply grateful for Brandt's significant contributions over more than a decade as CEO.
General Meeting 7 May 2024
The meeting will be held at the Company's offices at Pilestredet 56, Oslo, on 7 May 2024, at 10:00 (CET)
The general meeting will be broadcasted electronically via Microsoft Teams.
New share capital registered
Approval of share capital increase
Lumi gruppen AS – Approval of share capital increase by conversion of parts of the loan granted by Lola Bidco AS.
Lumi Gruppen Annual Report 2023
Lumi Gruppen AS today announced its Annual Report 2023. The report includes the CEO statement, directors’ report, accounts and notes for Lumi Gruppen, accounts and notes for the parent company and the auditor’s report.
Commissioned Equity Research, Nordea
Lumi Gruppen has a solid market position, with strong brands in Norway and a proven track record on profitability.
Invitation to presentation of Q3 2023 financial results
Lumi Gruppen will publish its third quarter results on Wednesday 8 November 2023, at 07:30 CEST.
CEO Erik Brandt and CFO Martin Prytz will present the Group’s results at 09:00. The presentation will be held without physical participants on Teams and the presentation will be held in English.
Notice of extraordinary general meeting in connection with the Rights Issue and update on key dates and voting undertakings
The Company hereby calls for an extraordinary general meeting (the "EGM") to be held on Wednesday 1 November at 10:00 hours (CET) to resolve on (i) the Rights Issue and (ii) election of new board of directors.
Invitation to presentation of Q2 / 1H 2023 results
Lumi Gruppen will publish its second quarter/1H results on Wednesday 16 August 2023, at 07:30 CEST.
CEO Erik Brandt and CFO Martin Prytz will present the Group’s results at 09:00. The presentation will be held without physical participants on Teams and the presentation will be held in English.
Invitation to presentation of first quarter 2023 results
The presentation will be held without physical participants on Teams and the
presentation will be held in English and transferred via live webcast.
The board unanimously recommends a cash offer to acquire all outstanding shares in Lumi Gruppen AS
Lumi Gruppen AS has entered into a transaction agreement for a unanimously recommended cash offer for all issued and outstanding shares in Lumi by Lola Bidco AS, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hanover Active Equity Fund III SCA SICAV RAIF.
Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting of Lumi Gruppen AS will be held at the Company's offices at Sandakerveien 116, 0484 Oslo on 16 March 2023 at 10am.
Opptaksutvalgets faktagrunnlag er mangelfullt
— Et feilaktig bilde som tegnes av privatister er at de generelt sett bruker årevis på å ta de samme fagene igjen og igjen for å spikke på vitnemålet, skriver Marit Aamold Trysnes.
Statement on the Admission Committee’s recommendations
Opptaksutvalgets forslag vil begrense mulighetene til alle som trenger en ny sjanse
— Opptaksutvalgets forslag vil ha uheldige konsekvenser for alle som fortjener en ny sjanse og er villige til å jobbe for det, sier administrerende direktør Marit Aamold Trysnes i Sonans.
Vi bør takke landets privatister for innsats og egenvilje
— Debatten om privatistordningen er preget av antakelser og synsing, skriver administrerende direktør Marit Aamold Trysnes i Sonans.